
We try very hard to get things right first time, but occasionally things may go awry. We can only improve with valid feedback from our customers.

If you wish to make a complaint about a service you have received, please contact us including as much detail from the issue you have. We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 business days.

This page documents our customer service escalation procedures in respect of .UK domains.

You should first contact our Support Desk for assistance.

If you wish to escalate a complaint, you should ask the Support Desk for it to be referred to our Head of Customer Services, Angelika Voss for an Internal Review.

Should you not be satisfied with our response to the Internal Review, you may set out your complaint to our Board of Directors by writing to the Company Secretary at our Registered Office as follows :-

Lisa Millan, Company Secretary
Island Networks (Registrar) Ltd
P O Box 1065
Alderney GY9 3JZ

who will ensure you receive a written response within 14 days.

If you remain unhappy with outcome of a complaint regarding a .uk domain name, please feel free to escalate your issue to Nominet.


In addition, uou may also contact our independent ombudsman, Dr E Lisse (contact details on request).

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